Which education career is right for you?

Man teaching a class
Teacher at the front of a classroom

Take Our Free Education Career Quiz to Find Out

Are you a teacher looking to stay in education but leave the classroom? Maybe you’re ready to advance your current education career? Or are you in a different field but want to apply your skills to helping shape the future?

If you want to work in education but you don’t know which job fits your skills and interests, this free quiz can help find a good fit and you plan your next steps.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts nearly 900 thousand jobs in education will be created each year over the next decade. Many colleges and universities offer flexible, affordable degrees or certificates that can help you get a head start in transferring your skills to a new or more advanced role.

In less than three minutes, you could discover which type of education career could be a good fit for you. We’ll also connect you with schools near you that offer degrees to help you reach your goals.

5 Good Answers to the Question:

Why Become a Teacher?

Teaching is more than just a job; it's a calling that makes a real difference in the world. For those pondering a career in education, here are five compelling reasons to take the plunge into teaching.

Inspire Future Generations

Make a Societal Impact

Get Creative and Intellectual Stimulation

Building Relationships and Community

Career Flexibility and Security

Take the Education Career Quiz to see if your skills and interests make you a great fit for a classroom setting!

Man helping a student with a computer program
If you look behind every exceptional person there is an exceptional teacher.

Stephen Hawking

What are Some Good Jobs for Former Teachers?

Teachers have a diverse skill set that opens doors to many career opportunities, both within and outside traditional classroom settings. Here are some good career options for teachers:

Educational Consultant

Curriculum Developer or Instructional Designer

School Administrator

Educational Policy Analyst

Instructional Designer

Academic Advisor or Counselor

The Education Career Quiz can help you discover how your particular interests and skills can translate to careers like these!

Take our free quiz

Ready to Find Your Role?

In less than three minutes, you could discover which role could be a good fit for you—and the steps you can take to advance your career.

Take the Quiz