Your ideal role could be ...

The Advocate

Your role as an Advocate in education policy, research, and consulting is pivotal. You're driven by a passion for educational equity and improvement.

Your work involves researching, analyzing, and influencing policies that shape the educational landscape. If you're committed to making a systemic impact, ensuring equal opportunities, and advocating for positive change in education, then the path of an Advocate is where you'll make your mark.

The Advocate
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What kind of career is a good fit for me?

Roles that involve shaping, analyzing, and advocating for educational policies and reforms are a perfect match for you.

  • Education Policy Analyst or Advisor

    Education Policy Analyst or Advisor

    Research and analyze educational policies, providing insights and recommendations for improvements and changes.
  • Education Researcher

    Education Researcher

    Conduct studies on educational practices and outcomes, contributing to the broader understanding of effective education strategies.
  • Education Consultant

    Education Consultant

    Advise educational institutions, organizations, or government bodies on best practices, innovations, and policy changes.
  • Advocate or Lobbyist for Educational Equity and Reform

    Advocate or Lobbyist for Educational Equity and Reform

    Work towards ensuring equal educational opportunities and advocating for systemic changes in education policies and practices.
  • AverageGrowth

    In employment of educational consulting occupations over the next decade

  • $65KMedian Salary

    For educational consulting occupations, ranging from $40K to $103K averages

  • 19KJob Openings

    Predicted annually over the next decade in educational consultant roles

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

What degree do I need for an educational policy reform career path?

For a career in educational policy reform, a Master's or Doctoral degree is highly beneficial. These advanced degrees not only equip you with a deeper understanding of policy-making processes, research methodologies, and advocacy strategies but also position you for influential roles in shaping and reforming education policies, potentially leading to more significant career opportunities and the ability to drive substantial changes in the education sector.

Master's in Education Policy

Master's in Public Policy (MPP) with an Education Focus

Master's in Educational Leadership and Administration

Ph.D. in Education Policy

Master's in Educational Research and Evaluation

Woman seated at a desk in front of a library

Do I need a certification to pursue educational policy reform?

Yes, to become a school administrator, you generally need a specific certification, often in addition to a Master's degree in Educational Leadership or Administration.

This certification ensures you have the necessary management skills and educational knowledge. The process usually involves completing an accredited administrative preparation program and passing relevant exams.

Requirements can vary by region, and experience in teaching or educational roles is often a prerequisite. It's important to check the specific certification requirements in your area.