Your ideal role could be ...

The Computer Whiz

Technology is your forte, and you're at home working with computers and data. Leveraging technology for problem-solving and data analysis excites you. You're keen on optimizing processes and finding innovative solutions to complex challenges. If you possess a strong technological aptitude and have a passion for data-driven decision-making, the world of information technology and analytics is the perfect space for you.

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What kind of career is a good fit for me?

Occupations that align with The Computer Whiz's career path center on leveraging technology and data for problem-solving and decision-making.

  • IT Manager

    IT Manager

    Oversee and manage the IT department of an organization.
  • Data Analyst

    Data Analyst

    Analyze and interpret data to inform business decisions and strategies.
  • Business Intelligence Analyst

    Business Intelligence Analyst

    Use data and analytics tools to generate insights for the organization.
  • Cybersecurity Analyst

    Cybersecurity Analyst

    Protect the organization's computer systems and data from security breaches.
  • 10%Growth

    in employment of computer and information technology occupations over the next decade (with some roles growing much faster)

  • $101KMedian Salary

    for computer and information technology occupations, ranging from $60K to $136K averages

  • 377KJob Openings

    predicted annually over the next decade in computer and information technology occupations

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

CEO at a restaurant

Do I need a Master’s or an MBA?

You can amplify your tech prowess with an MBA in Information Technology that merges business strategy with tech innovation, enhancing your analytical and managerial skills.

Alternatively, a Master's in Data Analytics dives deep into harnessing data insights for business decisions. Or a Master's in Management of Information Systems gets into the finer details of managing information technology and data.

While both paths revolve around technology, the MBA offers a broader spectrum of business knowledge, making it the prime choice for The Computer Whiz envisioning a dynamic role in bridging tech and business realms.

What degree do I need for a career in information technology and analytics?

Thriving in the dynamic fields of technology and data analysis requires a solid educational foundation. While a bachelor's degree is a starting point, advancing your education to a master's level can significantly enhance your skills and unlock a wealth of opportunities.

Management of Information Systems

Information Technology

Business Analytics

Business Statistics

System Administrator

Financial Analytics

Explore Your School Matches

Choosing the Right School for Your Business Degree

Embarking on your journey to earn a business degree is an exciting step toward a rewarding career path. As you navigate this decision, it's crucial to focus on the aspects that truly matter and align with your aspirations. While rankings might catch your attention, remember that the perfect fit goes beyond numbers. Here are five vital factors to keep at the forefront when selecting the right school for your business degree:




Specializations Offered

Real-World Experience and Networking

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What’s Next?

Now that you know what type of career path suits you and which type of degree can get you there, the next step is to find a school that can help you reach your goals. All of Appily’s partner schools are high-quality, accredited institutions with in-demand degree programs.