Your ideal role could be ...

The Self-Starter

Entrepreneurship is in your blood, and you're not afraid to take risks and create new ventures. An entrepreneurial spirit drives you to seize opportunities and build businesses from the ground up. The idea of being your own boss and driving business growth fuels your motivation. If you've always dreamt of starting your own business or leading innovative projects, the path of entrepreneurship is ready to embrace your boldness.

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What kind of career is a good fit for me?

Occupations that align with The Self-Starter's career path revolve around entrepreneurship and leading innovative ventures.

  • Entrepreneur


    Start and manage their own businesses in various industries.
  • Small Business Owner

    Small Business Owner

    Operate and oversee small businesses, often with a hands-on approach.
  • Venture Capitalist

    Venture Capitalist

    Invest in and provide funding for early-stage startups with growth potential.
  • Business Development Manager

    Business Development Manager

    Identify and pursue new business opportunities to drive growth for a company.
  • 99%Of Businesses

    in the US are small businesses

  • $60KAverage Salary

    for small business owners, ranging from $29K to $128K averages

  • 13MJobs Created

    by small businesses over the past 25 years


CEO at a restaurant

Do I need a Master’s or an MBA?

You can forge your entrepreneurial path with an MBA in Entrepreneurship that hones your business acumen, innovation skills, and strategic planning.

Alternatively, a Master's in Small Business Management focuses on the intricacies of managing and growing small ventures.

While both paths cater to entrepreneurship, the MBA empowers you with a comprehensive grasp of business dynamics, making it the ideal choice for The Self-Starter aiming to navigate diverse challenges and steer startups to success.

What degree do I need for an entrepreneurship career path?

Embarking on an entrepreneurial journey requires a solid educational grounding. While a bachelor's degree provides a starting point, pursuing a master's degree can significantly enhance your entrepreneurial skills and expand your horizons.



Small Business Management

Social Entrepreneurship


Real Estate

Explore Your School Matches

Choosing the Right School for Your Business Degree

Embarking on your journey to earn a business degree is an exciting step toward a rewarding career path. As you navigate this decision, it's crucial to focus on the aspects that truly matter and align with your aspirations. While rankings might catch your attention, remember that the perfect fit goes beyond numbers. Here are five vital factors to keep at the forefront when selecting the right school for your business degree:




Specializations Offered

Real-World Experience and Networking

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What’s Next?

Now that you know what type of career path suits you and which type of degree can get you there, the next step is to find a school that can help you reach your goals. All of Appily’s partner schools are high-quality, accredited institutions with in-demand degree programs.